
A Christmas Accident (1912)

Directed by Harold M. Shaw

Short | Holiday | Drama


Well-to-do Mr. and Mrs. Gilton live next door to a large family, the Biltons, that struggles to make ends meet. Despite their desire to be friendly, Mr. Gilton is frequently irritated by his neighbors, insisting that they stay out of his yard, and blaming them for anything that goes wrong. During the holiday season, the differences between the two families become even clearer. Mrs. Gilton wants to do something to help the Biltons, but Mr. Gilton will take a lot of convincing.

Rated NR | Length 15 minutes


William Wadsworth | Mrs. William Bechtel | Augustus Phillips | Ida Williams | Edna Hammel | Edna May Weick

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
12/21/2024ComputerStreamingVideo on Demand6 stars

Viewing Notes

Mr. Gilton is the archetypal miserly scrooge character whose heart eventually gets melted by an act of kindness from the poor family next door he so despises.


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