
St. John's Wort (2001)

Directed by Ten Shimoyama

Horror | Mystery | Thriller


Nami has been creating artwork for a new video game based on images she’s been seeing in her dreams. With one of the game producers, she travels out to an abandoned house that seems to match her visions. As they explore the old mansion, Nami begins to have more visions of a forgotten childhood, until at last she comes across a photo of twin infants, labelled “Nami” and “Naomi”. As Nami and the producer go from room to room, an unseen person seems to be watching them from a hidden room.

Length 85 minutes


Megumi Okina | Youichirou Saitou | Koji Okura | Reiko Matsuo | Minoru Terada | Yasunari Hashimoto | Kim Little | Jeff G. Peters

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
12/29/2024Home TheaterBlu-rayOwned5 stars

Viewing Notes

I guess this still hasn’t grown on me much since watching the DVD I own of this a long time ago. The innovative techniques they use to blur the line between the video game and “reality” in the film is interesting but gets a little tedious after a while.


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