
Opera (1987)

Directed by Dario Argento

Horror | Crime | Thriller

Most recently watched by sleestakk, scottfinn, noahphex


A young opera singer is stalked by a deranged fan bent on killing the people associated with her to claim her for himself.

Rated R | Length 107 minutes


Cristina Marsillach | Ian Charleson | Urbano Barberini | Daria Nicolodi | Coralina Cataldi-Tassoni | Antonella Vitale | William McNamara | Barbara Cupisti | Antonino Juorio | Carola Stagnaro | Francesca Cassola | Maurizio Garrone | Cristina Giachino | György Gyõriványi | Bjorn Hammer | Peter Pitsch | Sebastiano Somma | Elizabeth Norberg-Schulz | Michele Pertusi | Dario Argento | Michele Soavi | Karl Zinny

Viewing History (seen 3 times)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
03/07/2025TVBroadcastVideo on Demand7 stars
01/02/2025Home Theater4K Blu-rayOwned7 stars
12/09/2022Home TheaterBlu-rayBorrowed7 stars

Viewing Notes

Great to listen to Joe Bob talk about the production and background of this, even though I’ve watched it twice in the last year or so.


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