
Eye for an Eye 2 (2024)

Directed by Yang Bingjia

Action | Drama

Most recently watched by sleestakk


The blind swordsman, skilled in martial arts, named Cheng Xiazi (Xie Miao), accidentally saves Zhang Xiaoyu (Yang Enyou), who has suffered from the destruction of his family. Under the persuasion of the orphan Xiaoyu, Cheng reluctantly keeps him by his side and teaches him skills. Xiaoyu also waits for the opportunity to seek revenge.

Rated NR | Length 90 minutes


Tse Miu | En You Yang | Tao Huang | Pei Kuishan | Pema Jyad | Liu Fengchao | Jampa Tseten | Songyuan Xiao | Jiang Yi Xuan | Zhang Haosen | Tu Ling | Wang Yitong | Liu Haoning | Liu Hanning | Dong Bo

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
03/08/2025Home TheaterBlu-rayBorrowed8 stars

Viewing Notes

The rare sequel that’s as good as, and possibly better than, its predecessor. The kinetic yet smooth camera movements, especially during the fight scenes, adds a lot. This is a bit of a blend of Zatoichi and the Baby Cart series of films in that it borrows elements from both.


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