
Ninja vs Shark (2023)

Directed by Koichi Sakamoto

Action | Horror

Most recently watched by sleestakk


In the Edo period, at the remote village of Okitsu, the evil cult leader Koushirou uses ninjutsu to bewitch sharks and forces them to attack local pearl divers so the cult can steal the pearls from their mangled corpses. Desperate for help, the village chief hires Kotaro Shiozaki, a guard at a nearby temple, but Kotaro soon finds his path blocked by lady ninja Kikuma and a gigantic shark that doesn’t seem like something from this world.

Length 77 minutes


Kohshu Hirano | Shun Nishime | Juria Nagano | Kanon Miyahara | Yuichi Nakamura (Actor) | Yuki Mamiya | Sakaekei Iwata | Kentarô Shimazu | Takaya Aoyagi | Yua Shiraishi | Ryosuke Watabe | Catcher Nakazawa | Tadashi Mizuno | Shigeru Harihara | Masataka Matsubara | Ryusei Kitade

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
03/22/2025Home TheaterBlu-rayBorrowed5.5 stars

Viewing Notes

Goofy but fun little midnighter that manages to be much better than you’d think given the title.


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