
Shock Corridor (1963)

Directed by Samuel Fuller


Most recently watched by sleestakk


With the help of his girlfriend Cathy and Dr. Fong, a psychiatrist, ambitious journalist Johnny Barrett poses as a madman in order to be admitted to a mental institution where a bloody murder has been committed.

Length 102 minutes


Peter Breck | Constance Towers | Gene Evans | James Best | Hari Rhodes | Larry Tucker | Paul Dubov | Chuck Roberson | Neyle Morrow | John Matthews | Bill Zuckert | John Craig | Philip Ahn | Frank Gerstle | Rachel Romen | Barbara Perry | Marlene Manners | Linda Randolph | Lucille Curtis | Jeanette Dana | Marie Devereux | Karen Conrad | Allison Daniell | Chuck Hicks | Wally Campo | Ray Baxter | Linda Barrett | Harry Fleer

Viewing History (seen 2 times)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
07/10/2011TVBlu-rayOwned8 stars
10/09/2005TVDVDRented8 stars

Viewing Notes

I finally broke the seal on my Criterion Blu-Ray of this and watched it last night. A great piece of almost noirish filmmaking that manages to tackle some serious social issues head on.

The transfer is gorgeous on Blu; a really beautiful piece of filmmaking from a highly underrated, yet very influential, filmmaker.


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