
Rare Exports: A Christmas Tale (2010)

Directed by Jalmari Helander


Most recently watched by sleestakk, AllAboutSteve, zombiefreak, themarc, schofizzy, seanCduregger, Javitron, noahphex, jenerator


Young Pietari lives with his reindeer-herding father in arctic Finland. On the eve of Christmas, a nearby excavation makes a frightening discovery and an evil Santa Claus is unleashed…

Rated R | Length 83 minutes


Onni Tommila | Jorma Tommila | Tommi Korpela | Rauno Juvonen | Per Christian Ellefsen | Ilmari Järvenpää | Peeter Jakobi | Jonathan Hutchings | Risto Salmi | Jens Sivertsen | Sigmund Bøe | Olav Pedersen | Nils M. Iselvmo | Steinar Skogstad | Nils Nymo | Hjalmar Iselvmo | Steinar Tunes | Torgeir Fosberg | Tor Kvammen | Hans Prestbakmo | Alf Roald Pedersen | Nikolaj Alsterdal | Knut Osa Greger | Kjell Tore Nordli | Stein-Erik Olsen | Atle Kirkegård | Hans Lindgård | Einar Fagertun | Bjørn Pedersen | Tommy Svendsen | Chaton Anderson

Viewing History (seen 3 times)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
12/13/2024TVBroadcastVideo on Demand7 stars
12/31/2013TVStreamingVideo on Demand8.5 stars
12/10/2011TVDVDBorrowed7.5 stars

Viewing Notes

Glad I finally got to see this after missing it last year when it screened at the Music Box Theater. This was the third movie for our Christmas Movie Night, and anticipated by all.

Not sure what others will classify this as, but it felt solidly in the horror camp so that’s what I put it down as.

I kept away from really knowing anything about this movie at all, amazingly, so went into this cold. It was different than I expected, but I still enjoyed it a lot. I’ll definitely have to let my kids watch it at some point.


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