
The Loved Ones (2009)

Directed by Sean Byrne

Crime | Drama | Horror

Most recently watched by jcdeleon1, SIxBORG, krazykat, noahphex, sleestakk


When Brent turns down his classmate Lola’s invitation to the prom, she concocts a wildly violent plan for revenge.

Rated R | Length 84 minutes


Xavier Samuel | Robin McLeavy | John Brumpton | Richard Wilson | Victoria Thaine | Jessica McNamee | Andrew S. Gilbert | Suzi Dougherty | Victoria Eagger | Anne Scott-Pendlebury | Fred Whitlock | Leo Taylor | Brandon Burns | Stephen Walden | Eden Porter | Gulliver McGrath | Stevie-Lou Answerth | Liam Duxbury

Viewing History (seen 3 times)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
10/02/2019Home TheaterDVDOwned8 stars
10/10/2013TVDVDOwned8.5 stars
06/01/2012Movie ScreenFilmTheater8.5 stars

Viewing Notes

The final movie in a whirlwind night of movies in Chicago with my friend Jay. First we took in a rare kung fu double feature at the Portage Theater and then drove from the far Northwest side of Chicago to downtown to catch this Horror Society sponsored Tugg event at midnight at AMC River East.

It was worth the effort! Though I’ve seen more graphically violent, and even more realistically violent movies, before, The Loved Ones has a way of getting you to cringe and sink back into your seat!

I especially loved that The Loved Ones did a great job of not falling into genre conventions. Pretty much every step of the movie was unexpected and kept you wondering what was really going to happen.

It’s unbelievable to me that a studio would sit on this and not give it a real release in the U.S., especially considering some of the crap that does get a wide release.

If you get the chance to see it (it’s already out in the UK on Blu Ray and DVD from what I gather), do so! Especially if you can catch it in a movie theater.


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