
Movies by Tag

sensoria has logged 8 movies that were tagged with “marvel cinematic universe.”

Movies tagged with “marvel cinematic universe”
TitleDirector(s)Year ReleasedViewed On
ThorKenneth Branagh201101/06/2017
Thor: The Dark WorldAlan Taylor201301/07/2017
Captain America: The Winter SoldierAnthony Russo, Joe Russo201401/03/2017
Avengers: Age of UltronJoss Whedon201501/04/2017
Ant-ManPeyton Reed201507/18/2015
Captain America: Civil WarAnthony Russo, Joe Russo201601/02/2017
Doctor StrangeScott Derrickson201611/05/2016
Thor: RagnarokTaika Waititi201711/16/2017