

G-FEST is the largest regular gathering of Godzilla and Japanese monster fans in the world. Held each summer, G-FEST typically attracts about 1000 attendees.
G-FEST is a family-oriented convention which caters to a wide variety of interests within the kaiju genre. G-FEST features presentations and Q & A sessions by actors and crew from the Japanese Godzilla films, fan presentations on topics of interest, contests and gaming, new and classic kaiju movies, the western world’s largest kaiju-oriented dealers room

sleestakk logged 5 movies during G-FEST XIX. Back to Events Overview.

Movies logged during G-FEST XIX
TitleDirector(s)Year ReleasedViewed On
Godzilla vs. DestoroyahTakao Okawara199507/14/2012
Gammera the InvincibleNoriaki Yuasa, Sandy Howard196607/12/2012
GorgoEugène Lourié196107/12/2012
Beast from 20,000 Fathoms, TheEugène Lourié195307/12/2012
King KongMerian C. Cooper, Ernest B. Schoedsack193307/12/2012