
The Killer Must Kill Again (1975)

Directed by Luigi Cozzi



Giorgio Mainardi, a womanizer, plans to rid himself of his wealthy wife Norma.  He happens to see a sinister figure disposing of a body and seizes the opportunity to make a deal in which the killer will murder Norma.  The deed is done but a young couple, Luca and Laura, unwittingly steal the killer’s car, complete with Norma’s corpse in the boot.  They head for the beach and break into an abandoned old house.  The killer tracks them down and while Luca is out having sex with a blonde stranger, he terrorises and rapes Laura.  When the young man and the blonde turn up for a threesome they are both quickly despatched.  After a struggle, Laura manages to fatally wound her attacker.  Back in the city, the police become increasingly suspicious of Giorgio Mainardi…

Length 90 minutes


George Hilton | Antoine Saint-John | Femi Benussi | Cristina Galbó | Eduardo Fajardo | Tere Velázquez | Alessio Orano | Dario Griachi | Luigi Antonio Guerra | Carla Mancini | Achille Grioni | Sydne Rome | Claudio Sforzini

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
09/21/2005TVDVDOwned7 stars

Viewing Notes

Bought this recently and was time to give it a whirl. Pretty good Italo-thriller. Didn’t like the finale so much but everything leading up to that was pretty great.


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