Animation | Action | Science Fiction
Set in the rich Tekken universe, Tekken: Blood Vengeance 3D follows Xiaoyu Ling, seasoned martial artist and high school student, tasked by the G Corporation to infiltrate an international school in Kyoto to gather information on the mysterious student Shin Kamiya. Before she can make any progress in the investigation, Shin is kidnapped by an unknown assailant. Digging deeper into Shin’s background in an attempt to rescue him, Xiaoyu learns about the frightening underbelly of the Mishima Zaibatsu. Jin Kazama, Kazuya Mishima… and the late Heihachi Mishima’s conspiracy that’s stained with blood.
Rated R | Length 100 minutes
Isshin Chiba | Unsho Ishizuka | Yuki Matsuoka | Mamoru Miyano | Ryotaro Okiayu | Maaya Sakamoto | Masanori Shinohara | Hidenari Ugaki | Akeno Watanabe | Atsuko Tanaka | Taketora | Keiko Nemoto
Date Viewed | Device | Format | Source | Rating |
11/27/2012 | TV | DVD | Library | 7 stars |
(Average) 7 stars |
When I looked up Tekken (2010) I saw there was another recent film so I ordered it. It’s like a well-crafted cut-scene, albeit a 90 minute cut-scene. It’s batshit nuts with a plot one could only follow if they know the video game. I don’t so very little made any sense. But it’s highly entertaining with a couple of good leads and fight sequences. Also the background modeling is excellent. The Kyoto locations look perfect, exact reproductions of places I’ve been to and seen in person. Not really a 7 star film but I give it an extra star for those reasons.
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