
Grace (2009)

Directed by Paul Solet

Horror | Drama | Thriller

Most recently watched by BTSjunkie, sensoria


In the wake of a horrific car accident that kills her husband, Michael, expectant mother Madeline Matheson discovers that her daughter, Grace, has died in the womb. Ignoring her doctor’s warnings that the fetus must be removed from her body, a grief-stricken Matheson demands to carry the child to term—even if it endangers her own life to do so. Curiously, little Grace emerges undead—and with a craving for human blood.

Rated R | Length 84 minutes


Jordan Ladd | Samantha Ferris | Gabrielle Rose | Stephen Park | Serge Houde | Kate Herriot | Troy Skog | Malcolm Stewart

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
09/20/2009TVDVDRented7 stars

Viewing Notes

wrapped Grace which is just fucked up and creepy as all get out. Dear god this movie freaked me out… by 15min into it I was wigged and couldn’t finish it by 30min mark. But I braved the rest this evening. A must see unless you’re pregnant and expecting. Damn good movie but wow.


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