
Search and Destroy (1979)

Directed by William Fruet

Action | War | Drama


The hunter becomes the prey as a Vietnam veteran (Perry King) tries to ferret out the real culprit after being tagged as the prime suspect in the murders of his former Army pals.

Rated PG | Length 92 minutes


Perry King | Don Stroud | Tisa Farrow | George Kennedy | Tony Sheer | Rummy Bishop | Daniel Buccos | Rob Garrison | John Kerr | Géza Kovács | Bill Starr | Kirk McOll | Jong Soo Park | Philip Akin

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
09/26/2009TVDVDRented6.5 stars

Viewing Notes

Finished the night w/the Drive in Double Feature disc featuring two b-movies from 1979: Search and Destroy (starring a b-film fave Perry King). Nothing particularly great about these but for me I dig the 70’s vibe. Liked Search & Destroy a little more than the other film (The Glove).


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