
Blood of Dracula's Castle (1969)

Directed by Al Adamson



Count Dracula and his wife capture beautiful young women and chain them in their dungeon, to be used when they need to satisfy their thirst for blood.

Rated NR | Length 84 minutes


Alexander D'Arcy | Paula Raymond | John Carradine | Robert Dix | Jennifer Bishop | Gene Otis Shayne | Vicki Volante | Ray Young | John 'Bud' Cardos | Ken Osborne | Ewing Miles Brown

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
10/23/2009TVDVDOwned4.5 stars

Viewing Notes

Picked up another cheapy horror set called “Gorehouse Greats Collection” that features 12 films. Typically these are public domain films w/poor transfers but occasionally you’ll find a few gems in these budget sets. Watched the first disc that featured Blood of Dracula’s Castle, a very poor quality transfer of another fairly bad Al Adamson horror film. Wasn’t terrible tho and I could see this being remade into something pretty good (has a suitable plot).


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