
Shanks (1974)

Directed by William Castle

Fantasy | Horror


Malcolm Shanks is a sad and lonely man, deaf, mute and living with his cruel sister and her husband, who delight in making him miserable. His only pleasure, it seems, is in making and controlling puppets. Thanks to his skill, he is offered a job as a lab assistant to Dr. Walker, who is working on ways to re-animate dead bodies by inserting electrodes at key nerve points and manipulating the bodies as if they were on strings. When the professor suddenly dies one night, Shanks gets the idea to apply their experimental results to a human body, and then to start exacting some revenge.

Rated PG | Length 93 minutes


Marcel Marceau | Tsilla Chelton | Philippe Clay | Cindy Eilbacher | Biff Manard | Helena Kallianiotes | Larry Bishop | Don Calfa | Phil Adams | Read Morgan | William Castle

Viewing History (seen 2 times)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
09/12/2022TVStreamingVideo on Demand6 stars
09/12/2010TVBroadcastTV7 stars

Viewing Notes

Was thrilled that TCM aired William Castle’s ultra-creepy Shanks (1974). Kinda like a auto accident you can’t help but keep looking. Marcel Marceau is brilliant. Dolls & mannequins already freak me out; this film takes it to the next level. 7.25/10


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