
Sugar Hill (1974)

Directed by Paul Maslansky

Horror | Crime | Action

Most recently watched by sensoria, seanCduregger


When a nightclub owner is murdered by gangsters after refusing to sell his business to the mob boss, his grieving fiancé enlists the help of a voodoo priestess to avenge his death.

Rated PG | Length 91 minutes


Marki Bey | Robert Quarry | Don Pedro Colley | Betty Anne Rees | Richard Lawson | Zara Cully | Charles Robinson | Larry Don Johnson | Rick Hagood | Ed Geldart | Albert J. Baker | Raymond E. Simpson | Truman C. Carroll | Charles Krohn | Roy L. Downey | Gary Chason | Garrett Scales | John Scarborough | Judy Hanson | Peter Harrell | J. Randall Bell | Big Walter Price

Viewing History (seen 2 times)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
10/13/2022Home TheaterBlu-rayBorrowed7 stars
09/19/2010TVStreamingVideo on Demand7 stars

Viewing Notes

More on the Instawatch: Sugar Hill (1974), a blaxploitation zombie flick! So much excellence to enjoy with this one and wonderfully fun zombie effects. The bugged out eyes are so good! Would make for a fun movie night watch with the guys. 7.1/10


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