
Gingerdead Man 3: Saturday Night Cleaver (2011)

Directed by William Butler, Silvia St. Croix

Comedy | Horror


The gingerdead man travels back in time to 1976 and carries out an epic disco killing spree.

Rated NR | Length 78 minutes


William Butler | Paris Wagner | Jacqui Holland | Robin Sydney | Mike C. Manning | Jean Louise O'Sullivan | Peter Stickles | Junie Hoang | Caley Chase | Bogdan Szumilas | Kimberly Pfeffer | Tim Jahn | Anthony Sant'Anselmo | Sara Raftery | Muffy Bolding | Steffinnie Phrommany | Tiffany Danielle | Zachary Haas

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
12/22/2012TVStreamingVideo on Demand2 stars

Viewing Notes

Second flick up at our Xmas Horror Movie Night at Scott’s home as selected by Pat as we called an audible. And what a bad audible it was. Damn this is an awful movie. And not a Christmas movie. Double whammy! Bad bad bad. Maybe the worst Full Moon film I’ve seen. At least I didn’t have to suffer alone. Now to watch the first two films. Ack!


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