
Less Than Zero (1987)

Directed by Marek Kanievska

Drama | Romance


A college freshman returns to Los Angeles for Christmas at his ex-girlfriend’s request, but discovers that his former best friend has an out-of-control drug habit.

Rated R | Length 98 minutes


Andrew McCarthy | Jami Gertz | Robert Downey Jr. | James Spader | Tony Bill | Nicholas Pryor | Donna Mitchell | Michael Bowen | Sarah Buxton | Lisanne Falk | Michael Greene | Neith Hunter | Afton Smith | Brian Wimmer | Kelly Wolf | David Colby | Anthony Kiedis | Flea | Brittain Frye | Afrika Islam | Kris Jorgenson | Jeannette Kerner | Lee Kissinger | Moya Kordick | Jayne Modean | Jude Mussetter | Jessica Puscas | Jandi Swanson | Eric Walker | Scott Warner | John Yurasek | Robert Dassanowsky | Christopher Maleki | Brad Pitt | Jackie Swanson | Jennifer Wellings | Jack Irons

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
12/25/2012TVDVDOwned7.5 stars

Viewing Notes

Probably the first time I’ve watched this movie in its entirety since I saw it in the theater opening weekend. Still so great and prophetic. RDJ and Spader nail it. Also a wonderful Christmas movie.


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