
Hell Squad (1985)

Directed by Kenneth Hartford

Action | Adventure


In order to rescue the son of a diplomat who has been kidnapped by terrorists, a group of Las Vegas showgirls undergo commando training and organize a rescue operation.

Rated R | Length 87 minutes


Bainbridge Scott | Marvin Miller | Glen Hartford | Kimberly Baucum | Madeline Parquette | Walter Cox | William Bryant | Frank Romano | Jennifer West | Phillip Rhee | Toni Alessandrini | Joyce Mandel

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
09/02/2011TVDVDRented6 stars

Viewing Notes

Such a ridiculous plot but sure I’ll buy into this for the sheer silliness. Not great but lots to love. Def a product of its time but would love to see someone attempt to remake this story with a bevy of badass women.


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