
Paranoiac (1963)

Directed by Freddie Francis

Horror | Mystery | Thriller


A psychotic man schemes to drive his sister mad so that he can claim her inheritance, but a deadly game of cat-and-mouse begins when an imposter intervenes.

Rated NR | Length 80 minutes


Janette Scott | Oliver Reed | Sheila Burrell | Maurice Denham | Alexander Davion | Liliane Brousse | Harold Lang | Arnold Diamond | John Bonney | John Stuart | Sydney Bromley | Laurie Leigh | Marianne Stone

Viewing History (seen 2 times)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
10/29/2016Movie ScreenDigitalTheater0 stars
11/03/2009TVDVDLibrary7 stars

Viewing Notes

I picked up this Hammer Horror Series set from the library and fired up Paranoiac (b&w, 1963). Quite the lost gem of the set, I think. Another exceptional Oliver Reed performance and overall solid thriller.


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