
The Town That Was (2007)

Directed by Chris Perkel, Georgie Roland



An intimate portrait of John Lokitis, the youngest remaining resident of Centralia, Pennsylvania, and his quixotic fight to keep alive a hometown that has literally disintegrated under his feet. His unbowed determination and steadfast refusal to acknowledge defeat reveal a man, a town, a region, and a way of life abandoned and forgotten.

Length 71 minutes


Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
11/15/2009TVDVDLibrary6.5 stars

Viewing Notes

Caught up w/the documentary about the (nearly) abandoned town Centralia, PA where a fire has been burning under the town since 1962. The Town That Was is an okay doc but would’ve like to be a little more on the extreme side (and maybe include some things that this town has inspired such as the Silent Hill backdrop). All you need to know is really contained in the first 30-40 minutes (how the fire came to be and the result). But still a good watch if you’re interested.


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