
The Peace Killers (1971)

Directed by Douglas Schwartz

Crime | Drama


Siblings Kristy and Jeffrey are buying supplies at a remote desert gas station when some members of a biker gang come cruising in. The bikers recognize Kristy, who used to be the main squeeze of the gang’s leader before she ran away. The pair get away, but the bikers find out that they’re living in a nearby commune, and start making their battle plans to bring Kristy back.

Rated R | Length 88 minutes


Clint Ritchie | Jess Walton | Paul Prokop | Michael Ontkean | Lavelle Roby | Nino Candido | Jon Hill | Gary Morgan | Robert Cornthwaite | Kres Mersky | Albert Popwell

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
08/23/2011TVStreamingVideo on Demand6.5 stars

Viewing Notes

Oh, another biker flick on Instawatch? You don’t say. Seems to be a popular subgenre on that platform. Rather enjoyed this one.


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