
The Doberman Gang (1972)

Directed by Byron Chudnow

Crime | Comedy | Action


After a failed bank robbery, an ex-con, an ex-waitress and a few of their friends train a pack of doberman dogs to rob a bank for them.

Rated PG | Length 87 minutes


Byron Mabe | Hal Reed | Julie Parrish | Simmy Bow | JoJo D'Amore | John Tull | Jay Paxton | John Strong | Diane Prior | Clyde Apperson | John Hogan | Charles Vincent | The Doberman Gang

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
02/01/2013TVDVDLibrary6 stars

Viewing Notes

Not quite the film I was expecting… but overall not a bad caper flick. Really the best sequence is the final sequence w/the dobermans doing their thing. The long middle section is all the training and setup which plods along. Not bad. Look forward to viewing the sequel. So glad my library network gets Warner Archive titles.


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