
The Horde (2010)

Directed by Yannick Dahan, Benjamin Rocher

Horror | Action | Thriller

Most recently watched by sensoria, SIxBORG, seanCduregger, noahphex


A bunch of crooked cops raid a ruined building located in an impoverished suburb of Paris, determined to furiously avenge the death of one of them, murdered by the ruthless criminal gang hidden on top of the dark labyrinth that will become a deathly trap when the living, unexpectedly turned into the undead by a mysterious plague, begin to devour the world.

Length 98 minutes


Claude Perron | Jean-Pierre Martins | Eriq Ebouaney | Aurélien Recoing | Doudou Masta | Antoine Oppenheim | Jo Prestia | Yves Pignot | Adam Pengsawang | Sébastien Peres | Laurent Demianoff | Alain Figlarz | Stéphane Orsolani | Ali Karamoko | Maud Heywang | Marie Vincent | Mohamed Kerriche | Laurent Segall

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
10/21/2011TVStreamingVideo on Demand6.5 stars

Viewing Notes

Here’s an odd one for me; long on my radar after hearing/reading the buzz and now finally firing it up on Instawatch appropriate for my 31 horror films in 31 days of October project… yet I don’t find anything terribly remarkable about this.

It’s possible that I’m just burned out on the whole modern action film w/zombies. Or that I’ve seen French zombie films and this one doesn’t stand out from the pack. I dunno. Just not a memorable film for me. Maybe I’ll watch again in the future when I’m over it.


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