
Strange Behavior (1981)

Directed by Michael Laughlin

Horror | Mystery | Science Fiction

Most recently watched by sensoria, zombiefreak, scottfinn, noahphex


When the teenagers in a small Illinois town start getting murdered, the police chief makes a connection to the mysterious scientific experiments being done at the local university and must stop them before his own son is dragged into the deadly scheme.

Rated R | Length 99 minutes


Michael Murphy | Louise Fletcher | Dan Shor | Fiona Lewis | Arthur Dignam | Dey Young | Marc McClure | Scott Brady | Charles Lane | Elizabeth Cheshire | Beryl Te Wiata | Jim Boelsen | Billy Al Bengston | Nicole Massie | Bill Condon | B. Courtenay Leigh | William Hayward | Jack Haines | Cindy Arnold | Howard Crothall | Richard Moore | Andrew Glover | John Clark | Susan Van Ravenswaay | Joe Harner | Mary Ruth Harner | Susanna Moore | Summer Ramer | Robert Houston | Lulu Sylbert | Neil McLachlan | Jessica Kenny | Alma Woods | Maurice Keene | Brenda Casey | Bob Gentil | Greg Dower | Jane Dower | Simon Nesbitt | Rod Collison | Terence Donovan | Maryje Mann | Stephen Jackson | Wally Parks | Campbell Hegan | Le Roy Sisnett | Pete Walker | Kerry Brown | Melodie Batchelor | Kathryn Collins | Ngila Dickson | Louise Franklin | Mark Hadlow | Michael Hammond | Marcus Le Grice | Peta Rutter | Adair Wheeler | Janet Meshad

Viewing History (seen 2 times)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
11/07/2016TVBroadcastTV6 stars
03/30/2013TVBroadcastTV6 stars

Viewing Notes

Saved from TCM Underground on my DVR… neat little flick out of New Zealand yet set in Illinois! Initially I thought this was a slasher but in truth it’s more mind control sci-fi horror. Some cool graphic FX too. I saved it b/c I think I want to revisit now that I know where the film goes.


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