Sasha, a young British woman, is living with her baby daughter at Ile d’Yeu, a peaceful beach community. A stranger appears. Her name is Tatiana, she’s passing through, and pitches her tent in Sasha’s yard. The two women build an odd rapport, and tension builds as events unfold.
Rated NR | Length 52 minutes
Sasha Hails | Marina de Van | Samantha | Paul Raoux
Date Viewed | Device | Format | Source | Rating |
11/21/2011 | TV | Streaming | Video on Demand | 6.5 stars |
(Average) 6.5 stars |
What a compact and disturbing little flick. Not 100% on board but I was transfixed esp. not knowing anything about this movie going into it. Weird and disturbing. Effective in that sense but so fucked up.
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