
Invasion of the Bee Girls (1973)

Directed by Denis Sanders

Science Fiction | Horror

Most recently watched by noahphex


A powerful cosmic force is turning Earth women into queen bees who kill men by wearing them out sexually.

Rated R | Length 85 minutes


William Smith | Anitra Ford | Victoria Vetri | Cliff Osmond | Wright King | Ben Hammer | Anna Aries | Andre Philippe | Sid Kaiser | Katie Saylor | Beverly Powers | Cliff Emmich | Susan Player | Herb Robins | Rene Bond | Kathy Hilton | Colleen Brennan | Mickey Caruso | Gregory White

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
04/30/2013TVStreamingVideo on Demand7 stars

Viewing Notes

Another expiring title in the Great Netflix Instant Purge of 2013. And another I should’ve seen a long time ago… because I LOVE this movie. Great concept of women becoming transformed into Queen Bee sex killers. Plus William Smith as the lead surrounded by some gorgeous women. Sad to see it go.


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