
The Siege (1998)

Directed by Edward Zwick

Action | Crime | Thriller


The secret US abduction of a suspected terrorist from his Middle East homeland leads to a wave of terrorist attacks in New York.  An FBI senior agent and his team attempt to locate and decommission the enemy cells, but must also deal with an Army General gone rogue and a female CIA agent of uncertain loyalties.

Rated R | Length 116 minutes


Denzel Washington | Annette Bening | Bruce Willis | Tony Shalhoub | Sami Bouajila | Aasif Mandvi | Mark Valley | Jack Gwaltney | David Proval | Lance Reddick | Wood Harris | David Costabile | Said Faraj | Christian Chase | Chip Zien | Ahmed Ben Larby | Lianna Pai | Jacqueline Antaramian | Donna Hanover | John Rothman | John Henry Cox | E. Katherine Kerr | Jimmie Ray Weeks | Will Lyman | Victor Slezak | Chris Messina | Susie Essman | Arianna Huffington | Bill Clinton | Diana Naftal | Ben Shenkman | Dakin Matthews | Ray Godshall Sr. | Gilbert Rosales | Amro Salama | Jim Shankman | Matt Servitto | Jourdan Fremin | Anjua Warfield-Maximo | Jeff Beatty | Rory J. Aylward | Robert Scheer | Matt Miller | Ali Afshar | John Beard | Stan Brooks | Alex Chadwick | Epi Colon | Judy de Angelis | Luis Jimenez | Sean Hannity | Ron Kuby | Daniel Schorr | Curtis Sliwa | Susan Stamberg | Mary Alice Williams | Mike Akrawi | Michael Arthur | Lisa Masters | Robin Anne Phipps | Valeria Von Leczycki Goncharova Barrett | William Hill | Craig Castaldo | Neal Jones

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
12/08/2009TVDVDLibrary6.5 stars

Viewing Notes

Watching The Siege in post-9/11 provides more poignancy than when it was originally released in 1998. The idea of terrorist cells threatening New York City is hella more powerful knowing that it actually has happened. Denzel is in fine form while Bruce Willis provides his best Bruce Willis. I do think this is a better watch now and worth a look.


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