
Samurai Princess (2009)

Directed by Kengo Kaji

Action | Horror

Most recently watched by sensoria


When 11 of her friends are raped and murdered, leaving the Samurai Princess (Aino Kishi) the only survivor, she becomes infused with her comrades’ souls. Transformed into an android, she sets out to avenge their deaths. Dai Mizuno co-stars as the princess’s human partner in this Kengo Kaji-directed gore fest that features breast grenades, detachable chainsaw limbs, deadly guitar riffs and more.

Rated NR | Length 82 minutes


Aino Kishi | Dai Mizuno | Asuka Kataoka | Miki Hirase | Kentarô Shimazu | Sarasa Tani | Mihiro | Mitsuru Karahashi

Viewing History (seen 2 times)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
03/29/2023TVDVDOwned5.5 stars
12/24/2009TVDVDRented5 stars

Viewing Notes

Staying on Instant Watch, attempted to watch Samurai Princess (2009) but like many Japanese films available it is the English dubbed version. Horrible. So I requested the DVD. Can sum it up by saying that the cover art is much better than the film. But it ain’t terrible and certainly nowhere close to being as bad as Blood: The Last Vampire.


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