
Collapse (2009)

Directed by Chris Smith


Most recently watched by jakeneff, sensoria


From the acclaimed director of American Movie, the documentary follows former Los Angeles police officer turned independent reporter Michael Ruppert. He recounts his career as a radical thinker and spells out his apocalyptic vision of the future, spanning the crises in economics, energy, environment and more.

Rated NR | Length 82 minutes


Michael Ruppert

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
12/30/2009TVOtherOther8 stars

Viewing Notes

Looking for a downer look no further than Collapse (2009). Acutely directed by Chris Smith, this documentary is a rather sedate Q&A with known and oft mislabeled conspiracy theorist Michael Ruppert in which he outlines the real decline of the western civilization (and global disintegration, for that matter) in terrifying detail. To say this is a wake up call is akin to arriving late to a party; the process is already in motion and the notion of this weighs heavy on the mind.

It’s a hard film to let go as one can see nearly everything mentioned here currently happening. Still can’t knock it from my head as it’s certainly changed the way I view many things in my own life. I’ve said more than once that this would make the ideal yet sobering double feature with The Road.


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