
Face (2000)

Directed by Junji Sakamoto

Drama | Road Movie


Awkward and withdrawn, Masako kills her sister in an explosion of pent-up humiliation and rage that sends her tumbling into fugitive life.

Length 123 minutes


Naomi Fujiyama | Koichi Sato | Etsushi Toyokawa | Michiyo Ookusu | Jun Kunimura | Riho Makise | Misako Watanabe | Nakamura Kanzaburō XVIII | Ittoku Kishibe | Shungiku Uchida | Ai Saotome | Hajime Tsukumo

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
02/20/2010TVDVDRented7 stars

Viewing Notes

Junji Sakamoto’s Face (2000) is unquestionably compelling but also challenging as you watch this homely Japanese woman make her way through Japan after committing a terrible crime. Along the way she slowly breaks from her shell but must stay on the run.


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