
Quartet (2012)

Directed by Dustin Hoffman

Drama | Comedy | Music

Most recently watched by schofizzy


Cissy, Reggie, and Wilf are in a home for retired musicians. Every year, there is a concert to celebrate Composer Giuseppe Verdi’s birthday and they take part. Jean, who used to be married to Reggie, arrives at the home and disrupts their equilibrium. She still acts like a diva, but she refuses to sing. Still, the show must go on, and it does.

Rated PG-13 | Length 98 minutes


Maggie Smith | Tom Courtenay | Billy Connolly | Pauline Collins | Michael Gambon | Sheridan Smith | Jumayn Hunter | Shola Adewusi | Andrew Sachs | Trevor Peacock | David Ryall | Michael Byrne | Ronnie Fox | Luke Newberry

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
05/28/2013OtherOtherOther6 stars

Viewing Notes

Played out pretty much as expected. Perfect film for a flight and the senior set. My stepmom would love this movie. It’s kinda like Gosford Park without the murder mystery but with music. Great performances by terrific British actors but ho-hum story. But I’m all for Michael Gambon in everything.


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