
Stargate (1994)

Directed by Roland Emmerich

Science Fiction | Adventure | Action

Most recently watched by sensoria, zombiefreak, themarc, jenerator


An interstellar teleportation device, found in Egypt, leads to a planet with humans resembling ancient Egyptians who worship the god Ra.

Rated PG-13 | Length 121 minutes


James Spader | Kurt Russell | Jaye Davidson | Viveca Lindfors | Alexis Cruz | Mili Avital | Erick Avari | John Diehl | Djimon Hounsou | Carlos Lauchu | Leon Rippy | French Stewart | Derek Webster | Christopher John Fields | Gianin Loffler | Frank Welker | Rae Allen | Richard Kind | Jack Moore | Steve Giannelli | David Pressman | Scott Alan Smith | Cecil Hoffman | John Storey | Lee Taylor-Allan | George Gray | Kelly Vint Castro | Erik Holland | Nick Wilder | Sayed Badreya | Michael Concepcion | Jerry Gilmore | Michel Jean-Philippe | Dialy N'Daiye | Gladys Holland | Roger Til | Kenneth Danziger | Christopher West | Robert Ackerman | Kairon John | Dax Biagas

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
03/27/2010TVBlu-rayOwned7.5 stars

Viewing Notes

Finally watched my blu-ray of Stargate (1994), which is to say I finally watched Stargate. Almost criminal that I’ve watched a episodes of the television series yet never managed to watch the entire film. Also sad that I’ve seen most of Emmerich’s other features before this one and yet this is the best of the lot. Kurt Russell is great, natch. Holds up rather well.


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