
Siege (1983)

Directed by Paul Donovan, Maura O'Connell

Thriller | Crime

Most recently watched by sensoria, philipjablon, Angjonesy, noahphex, zombiefreak, Javitron, lolareels, BTSjunkie


During a police strike in Nova Scotia’s capital city, a gang of hoodlums end up unintentionally causing the owner of a gay bar to be killed. This escalates into a string of murders with a lone survivor trying to not be next.

Rated R | Length 84 minutes


Tom Nardini | Brenda Bazinet | Daryl Haney | Terry-David Després | Jack Blum | Keith Knight | Doug Lennox | Jeff Pustil | Fred Wadden | Gary Dempster | Dennis O'Connor | Richard Collins | Ted Germaine | Beth Lachance | Alison Outhit | Tricia Fish | Vicky Price | Mike MacKinnon | Joseph Rutten | Dug Rotstein | Barbara Jones | Patricia Vroom | Alan MacGillivray | Kevin Jollimore | John D'Arte | Glenn Wadman | Carolyn Van Gurp

Viewing History (seen 3 times)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
08/14/2021Home TheaterBlu-rayBorrowed7 stars
06/22/2013TVOtherOther7 stars
06/15/2013TVOtherOther7 stars


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