Animation | Adventure | Fantasy
Tokyo: a city populated by both humans and ghostly beings. They exist in both dimensions, seen and unseen: spirits, apparitions, demons. The balance between these two dimensions has long been upheld by the city’s guardian crow Karas and his masters. But that balance has been thrown into disarray as Eko, a former Karas, has attempted to seize power and bring order to the streets through force. The entity Yurine, who represents the will of the people, stands in his way with her newly risen Karas. Now an ageless battle stretching across both dimensions and killing humans and spirits alike is in progress. Karas is humanity’s last hope.
Length 80 minutes
Takahiro Sakurai | Keiji Fujiwara | Soko Wada | Kiyoyuki Yanada | Hiroto Torihata | Kasumi Suzuki | Hitomi Nabatame | Tetsuo Goto | Asuka Shibuya
Date Viewed | Device | Format | Source | Rating |
05/31/2010 | TV | Streaming | Video on Demand | 5.5 stars |
(Average) 5.5 stars |
On NWI I struggled thru the anime OVA Karas - The Prophecy (2006). It wasn’t the dubbed version that NWI served up that made this nearly unwatchable but rather the general convoluted plotline that plagues many adventurous anime features. For the entire 90 minutes I truly had no idea what was going on. The melding of CG & traditional animation looks good but that’s about all I can say. Have no interest in watching part two.
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