Science Fiction | Fantasy | Adventure
In a post-nuclear future, crime has been eliminated in the city of Soleil through a strict class structure imposed upon the population. Two illegal young lovers are enticed into becoming criminals by a shady guy who promises them a way out of the city so they can continue their lives in peace.
Rated R | Length 96 minutes
David Carradine | Peter Nelson | Sherilyn Fenn | Michael Shaner | Orlando Sacha | Alfredo Álvarez Calderón | Diana Quijano | Don Manor | Francisco Giraldo
Date Viewed | Device | Format | Source | Rating |
06/04/2010 | TV | VHS | Owned | 6.5 stars |
(Average) 6.5 stars |
Watched another OOP (VHS only) 80s sci-fi flick in Crime Zone (1989), which features the incredibly sexy Sherilyn Fenn in addition to David Carradine. Although this isn’t great cinema it definitely is a fun Orwellian flick with enough turns to make it watchable. The poster art really sells the film. Will never tire of seeing these Blade Runner rip-offs.
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