
The Nude Vampire (1970)

Directed by Jean Rollin


Most recently watched by sensoria


A young man falls in love with a beautiful woman being chased by sinister masked figures at night. He tries to track her down, and learns she’s being held captive by his father and colleagues who believe she’s a vampire.

Length 85 minutes


Olivier Rollin | Maurice LemaƮtre | Caroline Cartier | Ly Lestrong | Bernard Musson | Jean Aron | Ursule Pauly | Catherine Castel | Marie-Pierre Castel | Michel Delahaye | Pascal Fardoulis | Paul Bisciglia | Nicole Isimat

Viewing History (seen 2 times)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
09/01/2017TVStreamingVideo on Demand6 stars
07/04/2011ComputerStreamingVideo on Demand6 stars

Viewing Notes

Jean Rollin’s The Nude Vampire (1970) is much more a visual fest than an adept story. I say this because I’m not exactly sure how to describe what I saw. Altho this is like an early (and far less executed) version of Kubrick’s Eyes Wide Shut. But it’s more about odd characters and their interactions with a cult. Rollin certainly has a flare for the visuals. Probably not an easy watch for most but it’s one I’d like to revisit under better circumstances. It is the 4th of July after all!


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