
The Day of the Dead (2007)

Directed by Ricardo Islas

Thriller | Horror


Based on true facts, a gang of suburban kids is sport-killing home-less people just for fun in the streets of Chicago. One day, they decide to try a new excitement, by murdering a young Mexican working girl, assuming there would be no consequences since she was illegal. They were wrong…

Length 106 minutes


Rosa Isela Frausto | Salomón Carmona | Max Da'Silva | Kris Desautels | Cyn Dulay | Ruby Gonzalez | Lily Alejandra | Christina De Leon | Ben Dubash | Mark Peplow

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
10/01/2010Movie ScreenDVDTheater6 stars

Viewing Notes

Headed over to Portage Theater for a double feature of Spanish horror films shot in Chicago by director Ricardo Islas. First up was El dia de los muertos a.k.a. Day of the Dead (2007) about a sick group of 20-somethings that kidnap women so they can terrorize and massacre them. A mexican revenge spirit shows up coincidentally at the same time a dead girl’s father arrives from Mexico to identify his daughter’s body. Dun-dun-dun. Not bad but overly long.


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