
Spiders (2013)

Directed by Tibor Takács

Horror | Science Fiction | Thriller


After a Soviet space station crashes into a New York City subway tunnel, a species of venomous spiders is discovered, and soon they mutate to gigantic proportions and wreak havoc on the city.

Rated PG-13 | Length 89 minutes


Sydney Sweeney | Christa Campbell | Pete Lee-Wilson | Patrick Muldoon | Shelly Varod | William Hope | Dimiter Doichinov | Jon Mack | Jonas Talkington | Christian Contreras | Atanas Srebrev | Jesse Steele | Vincenzo Nicoli | Amanda Armstrong | Zachariah Rollins | David Wilmot | Martin Tyson | Salvador Morales | Dimitar Elenkov | John Laskowski | Randal Glover | Philip Rudy | David McAuley | Timothy Howlett | Marna Rowe | James Atkinson | Brian Hankey | Stefka Berova | Robert Mathers | Scot Pozil | Nikolai Sotirov | Daniel Rueth | Thomas Ray Shenk | Kalin Kerin | Silvia Radulaova | Sarah Brown | Radoslav Ignatov | Georgi Manchev | Stefan Shopov | Georgi Stanislavov | Radka Petkova | Boyan Anev | Cindy Johnson | Misha Dibono | Radoslav Parvanov | Louise Cliffe | Borislav Iliev | Owen Davis | George Karlukovski

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
07/26/2013TVStreamingVideo on Demand5.5 stars

Viewing Notes

Thought this was a The Asylum flick but the production values are decent (ex. the CG is pretty damn good not great but better than The Asylum). This is a Nu Image flick! Patrick Muldoon as the lead made me think The Asylum. Then I got confused with this and Big Ass Spider, which I haven’t seen but both were released in this year.

Not a bad flick as these tend to go… definitely watchable. Good FX on the giant spiders. A little slow in the first half but goes bonkers from there. Good entry in the deadly spider invasion subgenre!


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