
Beyond the Time Barrier (1960)

Directed by Edgar G. Ulmer

Science Fiction | Romance


In 1960, a pilot testing an experimental rocket powered aircraft accidentally flies into the future and finds himself in a sealed city whose people suspect he is a spy from outside their walls, but who want to keep him to procreate with the ruler’s daughter because the majority of the inhabitants are sterile.

Rated NR | Length 75 minutes


Robert Clarke | Darlene Tompkins | Vladimir Sokoloff | Boyd 'Red' Morgan | Stephen Bekassy | John van Dreelen | Arianne Ulmer | Ken Knox | Neil Fletcher | Jack Herman | William Shephard | James 'Ike' Altgens | John Loughney | Russ Marker | Tom Ravick | Don Flournoy | Arthur C. Pierce | Malcolm Thompson

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
08/29/2013TVStreamingVideo on Demand5.5 stars


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