A talented but troubled Edo Period swordsman, Kanemi Sanzaemon. Three years earlier, Kanemi killed a woman, Renko, the corrupt mistress of the powerful daimyo Tabu Ukyou. Unexpectedly, Kanemi received a lenient sentence for his crime and is allowed to return to his clan after only one year of imprisonment. Following his return, Kanemi is faced with the death of his wife, Mutsue. Thereafter, Kanemi lives with and cares for his wife’s niece, Satoo, who has secret affections for Kanemi and expresses them by helping change his bleak outlook on life. Meanwhile, Kanemi’s develops his unique “bird-catching” sword technique which he will soon put to test in battle for the first time against the fearsome swordsman, Hayatonosho Obiya.
Length 114 minutes
Etsushi Toyokawa | Chizuru Ikewaki | Kôji Kikkawa | Tsumami Edamame | Tenkyû Fukuda | Mitsutoshi Gotô | Yudai Ishiyama | Hana Kino | Ittoku Kishibe | Tôru Kizu | Fumiyo Kohinata | Ken Maeda | Jun Murakami | Seminosuke Murasugi | Megumi Seki | Mitsutoshi Shundō | Kazuya Takahashi | Koinoborou Takigawa | Sogen Tanaka | Bunmei Tobayama | Naho Toda | Kenichi Yajima | Kinuo Yamada | Masayuki Yui
Date Viewed | Device | Format | Source | Rating |
10/12/2010 | Movie Screen | Digital | Theater | 8 stars |
(Average) 8 stars |
Because of the timing I had to run to my CIFF screening of Sword of Desperation since the line was already called in. Fortunately I got a good seat right in the center middle (too bad the ding dong sitting next to me brought his own noisy paper bag of popcorn).
Postives: Director Hideyuki Hirayama flew over from Japan to introduce the film (and provide Q&A afterward). The movie an elegant slow burn that looks fantastic for a period piece. Really love films like this. Plot is quite simple: samurai kills chief’s wife and is imprisoned rather than executed. The drama is in how these events came to be and what happens after the samurai is released from solitary confinement.
Negatives: CIFF, for waiting until all the Japanese credits to finish before turning up the lights to start the director’s Q&A. Real asshole move since almost everyone bailed leaving maybe 10 people left for the Q&A. And the people who bailed early in front of the director showed no respect. Combined asshole moves. Oh yeah, and the guy who brought in his dinner to eat and distract everyone near him including the director sitting directly in front of him. That isn’t the Drafthouse, jackass. At least Hirayama-san was appreciative for those who did stick around and asked questions (me!).
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