
Slime City (1988)

Directed by Greg Lamberson


Most recently watched by scottfinn


A student moves into a run-down building in New York City. His bizarre neighbors make a concoction in their apartment they call wine, but when he takes some of it, he turns into a deformed, murderous monster.

Length 81 minutes


Robert C. Sabin | Mary Huner | T.J. Merrick | Dennis Embry | Dick Biel | Jane Doniger Reibel | Bunny Levine | Allen Lewis Rickman | Daniel Frye | Eva Lee

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
10/24/2010Movie ScreenDVDTheater6.5 stars

Viewing Notes

Day Two at HSFF and I arrived just in time for the first feature of Slime City (1988), kind of a cult classic that is more humorous than frightening. Overall strange story with those jars of slime as I’m not sure I totally understood what was going on with that. Scott Finnegan was there so we hung out while waiting for Ron to show up.


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