
Targets (1968)

Directed by Peter Bogdanovich

Thriller | Crime | Horror

Most recently watched by AllAboutSteve, archstanton43, sensoria, noahphex


An aging horror-movie icon’s fate intersects with that of a seemingly ordinary young man on a psychotic shooting spree around Los Angeles.

Rated R | Length 90 minutes


Tim O'Kelly | Boris Karloff | Arthur Peterson, Jr. | Monte Landis | Nancy Hsueh | Peter Bogdanovich | Daniel Ades | Stafford Morgan | James Brown | Mary Jackson | Tanya Morgan | Timothy Burns | Mark Dennis | Sandy Baron | Geraldine Baron | Gary Kent | Ellie Wood Walker | Frank Marshall | Byron Betz | Paul Condylis | Mike Farrell | Carol Samuels | Jay Daniel | James Morris | Elaine Partnow | Pete Belcher | James Bowie | Anita Poree | Robert Cleaves | Kay Douglas | Raymond Roy | Diana Ashley | Kirk Scott | Susan Douglas | Jack Nicholson | Sandra Knight | Dick Miller | Git Luboviski | Milton Luboviski | Don Steele | Joey Bishop | Regis Philbin

Viewing History (seen 2 times)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
10/18/2014Movie ScreenFilmTheater7.5 stars
09/06/2013TVDVDRented7.5 stars

Viewing Notes

Very compelling flick that resonates today as much as it probably did in 1968. I’m guessing this had to be somewhat controversial at the time. I wonder if this film could be released today. It’s like the opening to Jack Reacher but a whole movie of it. Karloff is great in his last role. Great film but gets an extra bump for the Bogdanovich commentary track, which is terrific.

I initially heard of this film and how it was made from The Dissolve:

That made me seek it out to view. Really interesting look at the behind the scenes history and working with Corman. Definitely recommended film and commentary.


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