
Death by Invitation (1971)

Directed by Ken Friedman

Horror | Drama


A young woman who learns that one of her ancestors had been burned at the stake as a witch decides to exact her revenge on the descendants of the people who had her killed.

Rated R | Length 81 minutes


Shelby Leverington | Aaron Phillips | Norman Parker | Bruce Brentlinger | Denver John Collins | Lesley Knight | Sarnell Ogus | Sylvia Pressler | Rhonda Russell | Robert Hazelton | Rod Houts | Jay Lanno | Tom Mahoney | Andrea Vaucher | Bea Winner

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
09/12/2013TVDVDOwned6 stars

Viewing Notes

Finally cracked my OOP / unofficially released Vinegar Syndrome Savage Water/Death by Invitation DVD. Mostly a slow burn it creeps along giving an air of uneasiness. Not great but effective for horror films of this time period. Dug it.


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