
The Cemetery (2013)

Directed by Adam Ahlbrandt

Horror | Thriller


Deep in the Pennsylvania hills, a cemetery for those who died during exorcism remains a dark secret for the church. In 1671, hundreds of men, women, and children suffered in bloody, torturous rituals at the hands of priests unable to contain the evil of the possessed. Were these possessions real, or is the story a hoax to cover up the sins of the deranged priests thirsty for human blood? Bill and his team of cynical paranormal investigators plan to find out the truth.  Armed with the church’s historical record, they set out into the wilderness to uncover this series of forgotten atrocities. Alternately gut-punching hilarious and brutally violent, The Cemetery takes the best elements of the old-school slasher film and pushes them to the edge.

Length 85 minutes


Ruby LaRocca | Victor Bonacore | Adam Huss | J.D. Brown | Natalie Jean | Tim Cronin | Tabetha Ray | Halfbreed Billy Gram | Roberto Lombardi

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
09/27/2013Movie ScreenDVDTheater6.5 stars

Viewing Notes

Been wanting to see this ever since viewing the trailer at HorrorHound a year and half ago. Forgot that it screened at The Portage in January 2013 that I somehow didn’t attend. Adam Ahlbrandt really loves the metal and gore and does both well (selects some indie metal and has excellent practical FX). Story is decent but really doesn’t kick in until the final third which it’s balls out batshit crazy and fun. Natalie Jean is quite good here. Good closer for the first day of the Chicago Horror Film Festival.


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