
House Guest (2013)

Directed by Jake Jalbert

Thriller | Horror


A vicious murderer is on the loose and the entire city is on edge. It’s the perfect evening to lock the doors and have a night at home with some friends. But what happens if one of the guests you’ve invited, is in fact the brutal killer that the city is fearing? House Guest is a tense thriller that locks you inside the doors of the Murphy home, where new relationships are formed, a Father and Son bond is tested, and a Brother and Sister struggle to stay alive.

Length 71 minutes


Alex Vincent | Maylin Morera | Brian Jalbert | Randall Speakman | Jered Allen | Danielle Marcucci | Michele Yeager | Nick Canning | Krystal Pixie Adams

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
09/28/2013Movie ScreenDVDTheater5 stars

Viewing Notes

If an indie flick decides to go cheap (cheap look and cheap audio) then it should at least be interesting. After a teaser setup scene the film spends nearly 40 minutes on nothing but a bunch of young people sitting around drinking and playing cards. By the time the “thrills” kick in I no longer care. And it’s not a very interesting plot. For a 70 minute movie it feels twice as long.


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