
The War of the Robots (1978)

Directed by Alfonso Brescia

Science Fiction | Action | Adventure


An alien civilization, which facing eminent extinction, kidnaps two famous genetic scientists from Earth. A troop of soldiers is dispatched to combat the humanoid robots and rescue the victims.

Length 99 minutes


Antonio Sabàto | Yanti Somer | Malisa Longo | Patrizia Gori | Giacomo Rossi-Stuart | Aldo Canti | West Buchanan | Massimo Righi | Dino Scandiuzzi | Nicole Stoliaroff | Frank Siedlitz | Venantino Venantini | Jacques Herlin | Ines Pellegrini | Roger Browne

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
10/02/2013TVStreamingVideo on Demand5 stars

Viewing Notes

Admittedly this is not a good movie. It cribs from all the other popular sci-fi of that time like a poor man’s mash-up of Star Wars and Battlestar Galactica. But I really adore these Italo-space adventures. So campy yet so earnest. Never a wink at the camera. I’m not even sure what the central plot is since humans betray humans then a space battle occurs. Weird flick but entertaining for me.


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