
Mother (2009)

Directed by Bong Joon Ho

Drama | Mystery | Crime

Most recently watched by lolareels, sensoria, noahphex


A mother lives quietly with her son. One day, a girl is brutally killed, and the boy is charged with the murder. Now, it’s his mother’s mission to prove him innocent.

Rated R | Length 129 minutes


Kim Hye-ja | Won Bin | Jin Goo | Je-mun Yun | Jeon Mi-Sun | Song Sae-byuk | Lee Yeong-seok | Moon Hee-ra | Chun Woo-hee | Kim Byeong-soon | Yeo Moo-yeong | Jung Young-ki | Go Gyu-pil | Lee Mi-do | Kim Jin-goo | Min Kyung-jin | Jo Kyung-sook | Park Myung-shin | Yun Yeong-keol | Kwon Byung-gil | Kwon Bum-Taek | Ha Duk-sung | Yum Dong-hun | Lee Jung-eun | Hwang Young-hee | Kim Tae-wan | Jo Moon-ee | Kwak Do-won | Lim Sung-mi | Lim Hyung-kook

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
12/31/2010TVStreamingVideo on Demand8 stars

Viewing Notes

Ah, New Years Eve and my last day of 2010 movie watching. Wanted to go out with a bang so I purposely selected films I thought had a chance to make my top ten list for the year. I was right. All the films I saw tonight were excellent.

First up courtesy of NWI was Bong Joon-ho’s Mother (2009). Really superb story of the lengths at which one mother will go for her falsely accused son. Lives up to the hype and definitely top ten material. Must-see for everyone.


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