
Fear No Evil (1981)

Directed by Frank LaLoggia

Horror | Supernatural

Most recently watched by zombiefreak, noahphex, jenerator


Brilliant and aloof teenager Andrew is always the butt of his classmates’ jokes — but little do they know that he is actually the demon Lucifer. As the evil wells up within him, he avenges himself in acts of demonic murder and destruction. But his foe, the archangel Gabriel, has assumed the form of 18 year old student Julie.

Rated R | Length 99 minutes


Stefan Arngrim | Elizabeth Hoffman | Kathleen Rowe McAllen | Frank Birney | Daniel Eden | John Holland | Barry Cooper | Alice Sachs | Paul Haber | Roslyn Gugino | Richard Jay Silverthorn

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
02/09/2011TVDVDRented6 stars

Viewing Notes

Fear No Evil (1981) I wanted to see simply based on the radical VHS cover. As a film it’s not very good with it’s demon possession story line but it has a great soundtrack! Surprised they were able to get some of the songs. The commentary is also worth checking out (both film and bonus material).


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